This is not entirely new, but there are four shorts that certainly fall into this realm, The first of which is the incredibly awesome The Spectacular Summer of Weredog and Amy.
Amy just got divorced, so she gets a dog. Turns out, on the full moon, the dog turns into a man, making him a wereman, technically, but let's not argue semantics. The film then follows their exploits, which feature plenty of adult situations.
This isn't funny because of the adult situations; it's funny because of the reactions to the natural progression of a relationship between two individuals of different worlds, neither of whom should be having this relationship. She's too raw; he's a fucking dog. The film explores their time to together and how the limitation of the once ina full moon situation amplifies things, leading the relationship to accelerate. That's bad for both of them. She's trying to find a connection that leads to her pain shifting, sliding away, perhaps replacing the pain of her divorce with the thumping drive of sex with absolutely no strings attached while still having her unquestioning dog buddy the rest of the month, and in doing so becoming detached from the rest of the world, from human relationships, and again, he's a fucking dog.
The acting here is so solid. It's always fun to see actors bringing animal traits to their human characters, and there's a great moment where Amy points out the inherent stupidity of the idea that screenwriters have often fallen back on where animals-made-human have the vocabulary of a Yale English 103 TA while calling every day objects by stupid names. Eric Aragon, which might be the sexiest name in history, is perfect embodying the weredog (and again, technically, he's a wereman) and give the enjoy short a joyous feel that drew me in. Sylvian Batey Alcalá is an excellent genre actor. She knows how to present the "What the Fuck is Happening?" while also driving things forward in a way that makes the short more than an emotionally empty shell filled with dogs-wearing clothes jokes and dog-sexy bits. She brings a beauty to the role that is smart, sexy, and honest. Here, she's Peter Cushing in the Hammer films, or Sigourney Weaver in Alien - she's a human in extraordinary circumstances, and she does not ignore the strangeness, but embraces it, tries to run it into her favor.
The ending is awesome, a totally perfect climax for such a strange, funny, and free-flowing film. I've seen it a half-dozen times now and there are still moments where the comedy hits me as if I'm seeing it for the first. The Spectacular Summer of Weredog and Amy is a smart film about a sweird concept, that somehow manages to be both utterly sick, and totally charming.
You can see The Spectacular Summer of Weredog and Amy as a part of the Something Funny series of shorts showing at Hammer Theatre SJ in Beautiful Downtown San Jose on Sat, Mar 3 11:15 AM, Sun, Mar 4 8:30 PM and Sun, Mar 11 10:15 AM, plus Century 20 Redwood City - Screen 10 Sat, Mar 3 9:30 PM and Sat, Mar 10 7:50 PM